Maori Party MP Hone Harawira raised no problems with joining National in government at the time the coalition was signed, co-leader Tariana Turia says.
Mr Harawira is facing a complaint from fellow caucus members after accusing the party of being too wrapped up in a coalition with National.
Mr Harawira said he had been told by many Maori that they felt the party had come off the rails.
Speaking ahead of today's Ratana celebrations, Ms Turia said Mr Harawira had been "totally" on board with the coalition when the party signed on.
"Certainly, when we signed up to an agreement with National we all sang off the same song sheet," Ms Turia said.
"We looked at what National had achieved in the past with our people."
Ms Turia said there were a number of parties the Maori Party would look at working with.
"While we may not necessarily look at National and think they're what you would call a pro-Maori political movement the fact is kohanga reo, kura kopapa, health services, social services, all of those things that Maori participate in independent of others today came out of the National party so we're saying we can work with anybody."
Mr Harawira is expected to meet with fellow party members to discuss the complaint at a hui on Thursday.