Special votes are being counted; Prime Minister John Key will not appoint his new ministers until October 20. To fill in time, political editor Dene Mackenzie looks at some Beehive jargon.
Collective responsibility:
The principle of collective responsibility underpins the system of Cabinet government.
It reflects the democratic principle whereby the House expresses its confidence in the collective whole of government, rather than in individual ministers.
Similarly, the Governor-General, in acting on ministerial advice, needs to be confident that individual ministers represent official government policy.
In all areas of their work, therefore, ministers represent and implement government policy.
Coalition governments may also decide to establish ''agree to disagree'' processes, which may allow ministers within the coalition to maintain, in public, different party positions on particular issues or policies.
That is why Prime Minister John Key is offering deals to United Future, Act New Zealand and the Maori Party to ensure all National's policies can be passed with support, rather than having to rely solely on National's 61 votes.
In a lighter vein, National MPs will be taking collective responsibility for the landslide win last Saturday, while Labour MPs will be collectively pinning the blame on under-fire leader David Cunliffe.
Ministerial warrants:
These are something the Greens seemed doomed never to hold and Labour will wait at least three years, possibly six, to regain.
The prime minister appoints Cabinet ministers and each receives a warrant to act independently in their portfolios but with collective responsibility.
Executive Council:
The Executive Council is the highest formal instrument of government.
It is the part of the executive branch of government that carries out formal acts of government.
By convention, the Executive Council comprises all ministers of the Crown, whether those ministers are inside or outside Cabinet.
The Governor-General presides over, but is not a member of, the Executive Council.
When a new Cabinet is sworn in, ministers are first appointed as Executive Councillors and then receive warrants for their respective ministerial portfolios.
It can either be a cupboard with drawers or shelves for storing or displaying articles, such as a cocktail cabinet which is frequently used by members of Cabinet in Parliament, the ministers appointed by the prime minister (see above).
Caucus: (also see blood-letting):
Meetings of members to discuss and co-ordinate parliamentary strategy were held even before a recognisable party system emerged.
In 1872, Sir David Monro recorded attending a meeting which he termed a ''species of caucus'', at a private house.
Each party represented in the House holds a regular meeting of its members of Parliament called a caucus.
At these meetings parties discuss parliamentary and other political business.
Caucus has been described as playing a necessary but subordinate role in the decision-making process, often making a particular contribution to policy formation.
A particular role of caucus is to agree on the tactics to be followed by party members in the House and at select committees.
Labour leader David Cunliffe is facing the fact his caucus, reduced as it is from the election, does not seem to want him as leader.
When caucus members turn on a leader (see above), blood is said to be spilt, or let, as the leader is stabbed in the back by colleagues.
Recent actions indicate Mr Cunliffe is receiving front-on attacks.
Identity politics:
The term identity politics and movements linked to it came into being during the latter part of the 20th century.
It can most notably be found in class movements, feminist movements, gay movements, disability movements, ethnic movements and post-colonial movements.
Identity politics is open to wide debate and critique.
German refugee Kim Dotcom was an identity in New Zealand politics during the last election but despite throwing millions at the campaign, his political identity did not gain traction.
There but for the grace of God goes New Zealand First leader Winston Peters.
Pre-election polling indicated either National or Labour would require his support to form a government and voters were preparing themselves for a long wait on which party would lead the government.
Instead, National has enough votes to govern alone and Mr Peters (69) may find his last chance of being the power behind the throne has disappeared.
Leader of the opposition:
Traditionally, the role of leader of the opposition goes to the leader of the largest opposition party in Parliament.
Normally, in New Zealand, this would be Labour but Labour finds itself in such disarray New Zealand Mr Peters is making a big push to assume the title, followed closely by Green Party co-leaders Metiria Turei and Russel Norman.
Chief whip:
For the British Conservatives, the idea of a chief whip usually means something personal, best left out of the tabloids.
In New Zealand, whips are a party's ''enforcers'', who typically offer inducements and threaten party members to ensure they vote according to the official party policy.
A whip's role is also to ensure that the elected representatives of their party are in attendance when important votes are taken.
The usage comes from the hunting term ''whipping in'' - preventing hounds from wandering away from the pack.
Extensive files of the indiscretions of MPs are carefully compiled to ensure everyone keeps the faith.
Typically, the Greens find the term whip offensive and have a musterer.
Under MMP, a party is entitled to a number of seats based on its shares of the total nationwide party vote.
If a party is entitled to 10 seats, but wins only seven electorates, it will be awarded three list seats, bringing it up to its required number.
If a party's share of the overall party vote entitles it to five seats, but it wins six electorates, the sixth seat is called an overhang seat.
In 2008 and 2011, the Maori Party won more electorates than it was entitled to from its party vote and an overhang seat was created in both Parliaments.
This time, United Future leader Peter Dunne won Ohariu, but the party received few votes.
He is said to provide the overhang in 2014.