NZ condemns latest terror attacks

Nikki Kaye.
Nikki Kaye.
The New Zealand Government today condemned the actions of the terrorists, deploring the loss of innocent lives.

Duty minister Nikki Kaye said the explosions in Jakarta and the deaths of innocent people were "deeply disturbing".

"Our thoughts are with the people of Jakarta and Indonesia as they come to terms with this traumatic event," she said.

Ms Kaye said there were no indications any New Zealanders had been caught up in the bomb blasts.

The New Zealand embassy remained in contact with relevant local authorities.

Travellers to the region were still advised to be cautious due to the ongoing threat of terrorism.

As of last night, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade's (Mfat) travel advice for those heading to the Southeast Asian nation advised caution due to the ongoing threat of terrorism.

It recommended New Zealanders maintained a high level of security awareness at all times.

A spokesman said the New Zealand Embassy remained in contact with the relevant local authorities.

There are currently 81 New Zealanders registered with Mfat as being in Jakarta.

Auckland man Davinder Singh said he was planning to return to work today despite working in a building close to the scene of yesterday's terror attack.

The telecommunications worker said despite yesterday's attack life would be returning to normal today.

He said people were advised over public service announcements to stay inside soon after the first attack took place.

It included advice for people to keep well away from windows.

He remained in the central city for hours.

When he decided to drive home, he found the normally bustling city centre empty as office blocks, shops and stallholders closed their doors early.

He said despite the carnage the evacuation of the area was controlled and calm.

He made contact with his family in Auckland last night to tell them he was safe and spent the rest of the night indoors.


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