Handing out Labour Party campaign material - Mr Parker is standing in the Aoraki electorate which includes Oamaru - they had a 100% hit rate, with the first five people they spoke to all saying they were voting Labour.
They included Kathy Joyce, of Oamaru, who was on her way yesterday to lodge a special vote for Labour.
"I'm not sure we are able to say anything to you," Dr Cullen told her, wondering about the legality of campaigning for Mrs Joyce's vote when it was her "election day".
Mrs Joyce told the two politicians: "My family has always voted Labour.
Working class people should always vote for the working class."
She then headed off to find where to cast her special vote because she will be away on election day, November 8.
One other person hoped: "Key [National Party leader John Key] will go down" adding a rather uncomplimentary comment about former National leader Jenny Shipley.
Another, like Mrs Joyce, said she always voted Labour.
However, one man, who turned down the campaign material was more negative in his views.
"You might just get back," he told Dr Cullen.
Dr Cullen yesterday visited Ashburton, Timaru, Oamaru and Palmerston on a whistle-stop tour before going to Queenstown last night for a political debate.
He arrived late in Oamaru yesterday and spent less time on Thames St than he had allowed in his schedule.