Labour would borrow more, keep assets

Labour leader Phil Goff has promised to show New Zealand the money tomorrow and reveal his party's fiscal plan which will involve borrowing $2.6 billion more than National over three years.

Last night at a lively leaders debate in Christchurch, Prime Minister John Key challenged Mr Goff to "show me the money" and reveal Labour's numbers which National has estimated will involve $17 billion in additional debt over four years.

On the campaign trail in Nelson today, as official figures showed the unemployment rate edging higher, Mr Goff said Labour would give its full figures tomorrow.

"Over the next three years the Government has projected it will be borrowing about 13 billion. Under our projections we'd probably be borrowing about $15.6 billion. But we'd keep our assets," Mr Goff said.

"We'll be showing New Zealand the money tomorrow. John Key needs to show New Zealand the jobs at the same time."


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