After making a fuss about shower heads, the National Party says it has found a new regulation on hot water cylinders which is more "nanny state" interference.
The government says no such new regulation exists.
Limiting the water flow in showers was one proposal within a set of suggestions for improving household energy efficiency.
National's environment spokesman, Nick Smith, said it was ridiculous and the Government has dropped the idea.
Today Dr Smith said regulations coming in on February 1 next year would limit the size of an electric hot water cylinder to 180 litres for smaller homes and 315 litres for larger ones.
"This is not a recipe for energy efficiency but rather a blunt rule that will see households run out of hot water for bathing and showering," he said.
Building and Construction Minister Shane Jones said: "Dr Nick Smith has spent far too much time in the midday sun and now he is dazed and confused because there are no new regulations limiting the size of hot water cylinders."