The Iwi Leaders Group met Prime Minister John Key and Minister of Energy and Resources Gerry Brownlee on Monday night to discuss mining.
Mr Solomon said iwi had a "huge track record" of being involved in the natural environment, and wanted to open dialogue with the Government on mining, including sustainability issues.
"We want to be at the table."
Mr Solomon said exploration presented opportunities but also raised environmental concerns for iwi, who would not want to see a repeat of the Gulf of Mexico deep-sea oil spill in this country.
Any talks between the Government and Maori leaders would in turn be discussed with the respective iwi, he said.
Mr Key said Maori were already involved in many mining activities going on around the country.
"It's not as if they're not participants already.
The question is whether they can, or would want to, play a bigger role."
It was up to Maori whether they decided to engage in mining and with what, or how much land, Mr Key said.
"I wouldn't say there was a universal desire for Maori to be engaged in mining, but there's the potential and they at least want to have the discussion.
Given the nature of their engagement, we thought it was a good idea to have that discussion."
He said he was also aware that the Iwi Leaders Group did not speak for all Maori, and the Government would be talking with other groups as well.
While the Government was clear it would not mine schedule 4 conservation land, it was interested in expanding other mining activities, Mr Key said.
It was conducting aero-magnetic surveys and having talks with interested parties.
He said he thought New Zealanders recognised there was a big mineral and resource base in New Zealand and "done the right way, it can be exploited for the benefit of all New Zealanders and can add significantly to both economic growth and the revenue of the Crown".
The economic advantages had to be balanced with the environmental impact, Mr Key said.
Mr Key also discussed the replacement foreshore and seabed legislation with the Iwi Leaders Group at the meeting.
They voiced their concerns, he said.
"They want more, and the Government's position is clear that we've laid our best cards on the table, and either they'll accept it or they won't."