Trans Tasman, a weekly political newsletter, publishes an annual roll call, rating how each of the MPs performed during the year.
This year's was the ninth report.
Main Report editor-in-chief Max Bowden said the one ministerial performance which stood out during the year was that of Mr English.
He was not only restoring the Crown accounts to surplus but had also got the economy ''set to fly''.
''He does more than his share of the heavy hitting on policy.
"He's driven reform in the state sector, to use resources more effectively and deliver higher quality services. In the House, he's become a commanding performer, blunting Opposition attacks.''
He and Mr Key made a formidable team, Mr Bowden said.
With Mr English's intellectual grunt complementing Mr Key's instinctive political ''feel'', he was the ideal deputy.
He harboured no ambition for the top job but stood his ground when he believed he was right - as he did when the prime minister wanted to override the independence of the Reserve Bank applying its loan-to-value rules to first-home buyers.
Mr Bowden said it was a year in which some MPs managed to get more than their fair share of attention - not for all the right reasons.
United Future leader Peter Dunne lost his ministerial portfolio and, for a while, his party after some serious brain fades.
He would stand again in Ohariu and despite all the trauma, he could hold it - with some help from National.
''Loses points for appalling judgement calls but we think he'll be back.''
His score fell from 6.5 to 4.
Act New Zealand leader John Banks pushed charter schools through the House but became a media magnet for all the wrong reasons.
Mr Banks was a huge political liability for National, with Mr Key forced to defend him. His score rose from 0 to 1.
Mr Cunliffe's score jumped from 4.5 to 7.5. Due to changes in Labour's rules, he managed to pull off the unthinkable and become leader despite many in caucus not wanting him. He had the potential to be the next prime minister but would only get one shot.
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters was still at the top of his game but was starting to suffer from ''grumpy old man syndrome''.
His rating was unchanged on 7.