Clark remembers last election predictions

There's one poll Labour will never forget and party leader Helen Clark remembered it tonight.

It was a Colmar Brunton poll broadcast by TV One on the Thursday night before the 2005 election.

"Two nights before the last election, same time as now, TV One came in with a poll that had National on 45 and Labour on 39," Miss Clark told reporters.

"And what was the result? 41 for Labour and 39 for National."

The actual figures were Labour 41.1 percent and National 39.1 percent.

Labour won 50 seats and National 48. Labour formed a government with New Zealand First and United Future.

In tonight's TV One Colmar Brunton poll National was on 47 percent and Labour 35 percent, 58 seats against 43.

The big difference between then and now is that the Greens are much stronger, rating 9 percent which would give them 12 seats.

In the last Parliament they held six seats.

"I feel from the kind of feedback we've been getting on the ground that it really is `game on'," Miss Clark said.

"And I'm pushing the two tick message really hard because a lot of our supporters feel deep down that they should help us with a coalition partner, but that's not helpful at all."

She was referring to the high Green vote, which is coming off Labour.

One of the reasons Labour doubts the accuracy of the polls is because it believes they don't capture a representative number of young voters.

"I've found that in this age a lot of New Zealanders, particularly young people, have only cellphones," Miss Clark said.

"The polls are not necessarily a predictor of what will happen."

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