Social Development and Employment Minister Paula Bennett will get her chance to shine today when the Government announces further details of its transitional relief package for those workers made redundant as a result of the economic downturn.
Prime Minister John Key and Ms Bennett will make an announcement at the post-cabinet press conference on the "ReStart" package which is said to contain some differences from the policy announced on the campaign trail.
National has high hopes that the package will be seen as a caring piece of policy and picking Ms Bennett to lead the policy announcement has been widely welcomed.
The former solo mum and welfare beneficiary is now in charge of the department from which she received a benefit.
The package would help people who had worked hard and who had big aspirations for the future but who would be, through no fault of their own coping with a big financial blow, Mr Key said.
The announcement of the package, which does not need legislation passed through Parliament, comes at a time when the new Government is expected to ease back on the amount of Bills it is introducing into Parliament.
The new Government last week passed five new laws - tax cuts and changes to KiwiSaver, a 90-day probation period of new workers, tougher restrictions on bail, national reading and writing standards in schools, and tougher sentences for those who commit crimes against children.
Mr Key said other items on the Government's first 100 days hit list would have to wait until after the summer break.