People: Launch of 'Wild Dunedin - ...'

Audrey Eagle, her daughter Alison Eagle, and Eleanor Collie all of Dunedin
Audrey Eagle, her daughter Alison Eagle, and Eleanor Collie all of Dunedin
Authors Neville Peat (left), and Brian Patrick.
Authors Neville Peat (left), and Brian Patrick.
Gordon and Janine Thompson of Owaka, and Tahu Mackenzie of Dunedin.
Gordon and Janine Thompson of Owaka, and Tahu Mackenzie of Dunedin.
Alyth Grant, Ian Jamieson and Frances Anderson all of Dunedin.
Alyth Grant, Ian Jamieson and Frances Anderson all of Dunedin.
Steve Kerr, Geoff Rogers and Alan Mark, all of Dunedin.
Steve Kerr, Geoff Rogers and Alan Mark, all of Dunedin.
Michael Heads and John Steel, both of Dunedin, and Philip Grove of Christchurch.
Michael Heads and John Steel, both of Dunedin, and Philip Grove of Christchurch.

Launch of 'Wild Dunedin - The natural history of New Zealand's wildlife capital', Otago Museum, Dunedin, Thursday 5 June, 2014.  PHOTOS BY: Linda Robertson.

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