You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. News ODTtv 0 Comments Coverage of the Dunedin City Council committee meetings (Finance and Economic Development) held from 1pm today. Councillors were to discuss the state of the city's finances as well as a proposal to build a cycleway between Oamaru and Dunedin. Related Stories Outdoor classroom SUBSCRIBER Star attraction to return for festival SUBSCRIBER Armed search for city man lasts hours SUBSCRIBER Hobbs speedy at packed champs Fred the top dog at show for second year running Teen and Olympian in dead heat at championships SUBSCRIBER PM opens country’s largest A&P show 70-year-old falls short in Cook Strait swim Simeon Brown announces major health shake-up Hipkins sets up new Labour 'economic team' in reshuffle SUBSCRIBER Chignell relishes home-track triumph Initiative aims to get pupils on the move More Add a Comment Login or register to post comments.