Weight has bearing on vitamin C needs: study

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It seems an apple or two a day may keep Covid-19 away — particularly for those carrying a few extra kilograms.

New University of Otago (Christchurch) research has identified exactly how much extra vitamin C humans need to ingest, relative to their body weight, to maximise their immune health — something that is important to help ward off Covid-19 and other winter illnesses.

Anitra Carr
Anitra Carr
Study co-author and pathology and biomedical science researcher Associate Prof Anitra Carr found for every 10kg of excess weight a person carried, their body needed an extra 10mg of vitamin C daily to help optimise their immune health.

She said the findings had important implications for public health internationally — particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic — because vitamin C was an important immune-support nutrient and vital in helping the body protect itself from severe viral illnesses.

Although no studies had been carried out as yet specific to dietary intake for Covid-19, Prof Carr said the findings could potentially help heavier people better protect themselves from such illnesses.

"We know obesity is a risk factor for getting Covid-19 and that obese patients are more likely to struggle to fight it off once infected.

"We also know that vitamin C is essential for good immune function and works by helping white blood cells fight infection.

"The results from this study therefore suggest that increasing your vitamin C intake if overweight might be a sensible response."

The study determined people with a starting base weight of 60kg needed to consume 110mg of vitamin C per day, which most people achieved from a balanced diet.

Someone weighing 90kg would need to take an extra 30mg of vitamin C, while someone weighing 120kg would need at least an extra 40mg.

The easiest way to increase daily vitamin C intake was by eating more fruits and vegetables, or by taking a vitamin C supplement.

"An average-sized apple contains 10mg of vitamin C, so if you weigh 70kg-80kg, achieving the optimal amount of vitamin C your body needs could be as easy as eating an extra apple or two to give your body the extra 10mg-20mg you need.

"If you weigh more than this, then perhaps an orange, which contains 70mg of vitamin C, or a kiwifruit with 100mg, may be the easiest solution.

"The old saying of ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is actually useful advice here."


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