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Sunday, Sun, 16 MarchMar 2025

US TV comedian mocks NZ election


News satirist John Oliver has weighed into the New Zealand election on his high-rating US news show.

In the latest episode of his HBO show Last Week Tonight With John Oliver, the UK-born, US-based comedian poked fun at the country's "turbulent" election campaign.

Oliver took particular delight in news that lawyers on behalf of rap giant Eminem were suing over the National Party's use of music in their campaign ads that allegedly sounds similar to his hit Lose Yourself

He asked if Eminem got involved because he was worried about "the South Island's rising Wallaby population", and laughed at minister Stephen Joyce's "we think it's pretty legal" response to questions about the Eminem case.

Oliver, a former reporter on The Daily Show, also mocked the Kiwi accent several times.

Despite a tense build-up to the election, National romped home on Saturday night with an overwhelming majority.

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