Telecom's head fronts in Dunedin

Telecom chief executive Dr Paul Reynolds will announce in Dunedin this afternoon details of how Telecom will compensate its XT mobile phone customers for last week's network outage.

Telecom spokesman Mark Watts said last night Dunedin was chosen for the announcement "as recognition that customers in the South, and in particular Dunedin, were worst affected by what happened".

Telecom's XT system south of Taupo crashed on Wednesday morning and was not fully restored until 10pm on Friday.

Mr Watts said Dr Reynolds would attend an "event" for media and Dunedin staff in central Dunedin at 2pm today.

He could not say where the "event" would be held because not all the details had been finalised last night.

Asked how any interested XT customers would learn where to go to hear the announcement first hand, Mr Watts said Dr Reynolds would be talking to radio stations this morning.

Mr Watts said he did not have "at his fingertips" the numbers of XT customers in Dunedin and Otago or the number of customers affected by the XT outage but "Dunedin was particularly badly hit over Thursday and Friday".

The first time the XT network failed, in December, it affected 90,000 customers south of Taupo for about 11 hours.


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