Nearly a year after the 96 medals were stolen, they were escorted back onto the army marae at the Waiouru military camp in a large box carried by Detective Senior Sergeant Chris Bensemann and Sergeant Te Rangi Manipoto from the police inquiry team.
The return of the medals was welcomed back by a powhiri and blessed. After a haka they were formally handed over to the army.
Family members of the recipients then returned the 12 medal sets to the Valour Alcove in the Museum, in the most emotional event of the ceremony.
The public was expected to be able to view the medals from early afternoon.
"It is fantastic that we can celebrate the return and display of these medal sets for all New Zealanders to enjoy once again," Chief of Army Major General Lou Gardiner said.
"The theft was a theft from the nation and we acknowledge the support of the New Zealand public in helping return these treasures home.
"It is their support and the public outcry that help brought about the successful return of the medals." The medals were stolen on December 2 last year in a brazen break-in at the museum.
The theft was called a crime against the nation by Defence Minister Phil Goff.
The haul included nine Victoria Crosses, among them the VC and bar awarded to Captain Upham, New Zealand's most decorated soldier.
Upham was the only soldier in World War 2 of any Commonwealth nation awarded the VC twice, and the only combat soldier to receive a VC and bar.
Two others given the VC and bar were not combat soldiers.
Capt Upham's medals alone were worth an estimated $9 million on the international market, but in 2006 a grant from a British charitable trust meant they would stay in New Zealand rather than be sold by the Upham family.
The medals were bought by the Imperial War Museum (IWM) in Britain and loaned to New Zealand for 999 years.
The stolen medals were recovered in mid February and held by the police until today, when they were returned to the army.
They were returned after a $300,000 reward was offered.
Last week two men were remanded after appearing in Auckland District Court charged with stealing the medals.
The stolen medals included:
* Samuel Frickleton, VC -- World War 1; * Leslie Andrew, VC -- WW1; * Randolph Ridling, Albert Medal -- WW1; * Reginald Judson, VC, DCM, MM -- WW1; * John Grant, VC -- WW1; * Harry Laurent, VC -- WW1; * Jack Hinton, VC -- World War 2; * Clive Hulme, VC -- WW2; * Keith Elliott, VC -- WW2; * Charles Upham, VC and Bar -- WW2; * David Russell, George Cross -- WW2; and * Ken Hudson, GC, died protecting soldiers under his command, Waiouru, 1974.