Sheep milk ice cream a 'NZ first'

Duncan McLane, of Blue River Dairy, with a container of sheep milk ice cream.  Photo supplied.
Duncan McLane, of Blue River Dairy, with a container of sheep milk ice cream. Photo supplied.
Sheep milk ice cream? Ewe got to be kidding.

But it is no joke for an Invercargill-based company which this week launched what is believed to be New Zealand's first sheep milk ice cream.

Blue River Dairy spokes-woman Kathryn MacDonnell said Milk Maid's vanilla ice cream was whiter and sweeter than traditional ice cream and was able to be eaten by those intolerant to cow's milk.

"Trust me, it is delicious," she said.

Considering New Zealand's large sheep population and the popularity of sheep milk ice cream overseas, it was surprising no-one had produced it until now, she said.

Blue River, which is New Zealand's largest commercial sheep milking operation, is supplied by two specially-equipped Southland farms, which run 3000 east Friesian sheep.

The sheep produce about two litres of milk a day during the September to March sheep-milking season.

The product will retail for $13 for an 850ml container.

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