Rena still in one piece despite battering

The cargo ship Rena is still in one piece this morning (Wednesday) but conditions around the stranded vessel remain poor with rough seas and strong winds.

Crew on board the Go Canopus tug boat and the motion sensors attached to the Rena confirmed it had not broken up in the rough conditions overnight, as it was feared it might.

Maritime New Zealand said in a statement it had no information about whether any containers or fresh oil had come off the ship.

Conditions around the Astrolabe Reef remain poor, with a three metre swell and winds of around 29 knots.

"It is important to note that the full extent of the impact of the current bad weather on Rena will not be known until we have full daylight and the salvage team is able to make an assessment,'' a maritime New Zealand spokesperson said this morning.

"This may take some time as visibility is poor and conditions could make it difficult to undertake aerial observation.''

- Bay of Plenty Times

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