Re-open Crewe case - Thomas

Arthur Allen Thomas.
Arthur Allen Thomas.
The man who was wrongfully convicted of killing Harvey and Jeannette Crewe is backing their only child's plea for police to re-investigate the unsolved murders of her parents 40 years ago.

Broad considering new inquiry into murders 

Arthur Allan Thomas, who spent nine years in prison for the murders before his pardon in 1979, said Rochelle Crewe's letter to Police Commissioner Howard Broad to re-open the case was "absolutely brilliant".

Just 18 months of age when found crying in her cot five days after her parents were last seen alive, Rochelle Crewe broke her silence yesterday for the first time.

"In re-opening the case, I am seeking truth and justice as to what happened during the original investigation and what really happened to my parents, Jeannette and Harvey Crewe," Ms Crewe said.

Mr Broad has confirmed he received her letter and would consider re-opening the case.

Mr Thomas, holidaying in Australia, said he wanted "to see justice done".

"Somebody murdered her parents," he said.

"As far as I'm concerned some bastard did that and it's more than one person ... you can quote me on that."

Ms Crewe was also critical of the decision of the Solicitor-general in the 1980s, Paul Neazor, QC, to not lay charges against two detectives after a Royal Commission of Inquiry found they planted evidence to frame Mr Thomas.

Justice Robert Taylor, Australian head of the 1980 commission, said it was "an unspeakable outrage" that, based on the commission's findings, then-detective inspector Bruce Hutton and then-detective Len Johnston buried a shellcase from Mr Thomas' rifle in the Crewes' garden to link Mr Thomas to the crime.

Mr Neazor's legal opinion to the police was there was not enough evidence to justify a prosecution against them.

"At the very least, the Solicitor-general should have given a court the opportunity to reach a decision on the same basis," Ms Crewe said.

"Instead, the government's failure to act allowed speculation to fester and harm our family and others."

While Mr Thomas did not want to comment at length, his son-in-law William Rowe said the family fully supported Ms Crewe's request to see the case re-opened.

"We have never known what Rochelle's opinion of this was until now.

"She's the real victim in all of this.

"Arthur has been exonerated unquestionably by the commission but she has not had any justice at all."


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