Police crack down on ‘anti-social’ drivers

Cars are being impounded, infringement notices issued and vehicles ordered off the road, in a police crackdown ahead of a weekend of planned gatherings by "anti-social" road-users.

Police said in a statement they were on "high alert" across the North Island and in parts of the South Island.

Extra staff and resources had been sent to support several operations taking place over the Matariki holiday weekend.

One of the first was Operation Cartel, in Canterbury, where between 10pm Thursday and 2am yesterday, police interrupted six "skid meets" in Christchurch and two in Rolleston.

About 100 cars were involved in the illegal activity, police said.

Inspector Craig Scott said three vehicles were impounded for sustained loss of traction and 18 infringement notices were issued.

Two vehicles were given green stickers for compliance issues, while another was deemed unsafe and given a pink sticker, preventing it from being driven.

"We have seen too many instances where this illegal behaviour has put lives at risk, caused injury and created unrest in our communities," Insp Scott said.

"Anti-social road-users aren’t welcome on our roads.

"We don’t want them or the damage they cause. We’re not standing for it."