A new topographical mapping series is being launched by Land Information New Zealand (Linz) today and will immediately be adopted by the search and rescue sector.
The new Topo50 map series was developed to be compatible with international mapping systems and modern navigational technologies such as GPS, said Linz national geodesist Graeme Blick.
The 1:50,000 scale maps use different longitude and latitude coordinates of points in New Zealand, with the difference being equivalent to an approximate 200 metre change in position.
Mr Blick said New Zealand's emergency services and the search and rescue sector would adopt the new maps and coordinates system from today.
The coordinates would match the international settings on GPS units, making navigation easier for people visiting from overseas.
He said New Zealanders who visit the outdoors and remote areas were urged to update their maps to bring them in line with what emergency services were using.
Updated information included details on Department of Conservation huts and tracks.
The website www.topo50.govt.nz has been launched to help map users understand the changes and view the new maps.
The change to the county's official mapping system is the most significant since the 1930s.