NZer jailed over Dubai love triangle case

A former Auckland banker has been jailed for two months in Dubai for having sex outside marriage and drinking alcohol without a licence.

Toby Carroll, 32, his girlfriend Briton Danielle Spencer, 31, and ex-girlfriend, Brazilian model Priscilla Ferreira, 24, were all charged with the offences, both crimes in the United Arab Emirates.

Ferreira burst in on Carroll and Spencer as they spent the night together before Christmas, threatening them at knifepoint and damaging furniture.

Carroll called police, who jailed all three for six weeks.

In Dubai Misdemeanours Court this week Carroll was jailed for two months while Ferreira and Spencer were each jailed for one month, the Gulf News reported.

Ferreira got an extra month for threatening to kill Spencer.

The three will be deported after serving their sentences.

Carroll and Spencer's lawyer Salman Lutfi, who had sought their acquittal, said he had already appealed the primary verdict.

They were in custody, but expected to be released on bail today.

Mr Lutfi argued the forensic doctor's statement was contradictory and inconsistent.

A forensic expert this month confirmed the findings of a DNA expert that Carroll's semen traces were found inside Spencer but not Ferreira.

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