Ms Collins lost her leadership of the National Party yesterday morning after a lengthy caucus meeting that was called after she demoted Mr Bridges and stripped him of his portfolios late the previous evening.
Ms Collins said she did so because of a complaint laid by a female caucus colleague which alleged serious misconduct in connection to comments made by Mr Bridges several years ago.
That colleague was Mrs Dean, who told the Otago Daily Times she mentioned the incident to Ms Collins during a conversation which followed meetings she had attended as assistant Speaker regarding recommendations from the Francis review of Parliament’s workplace culture.
"I approached Judith several weeks ago about my concerns and the conversation was in the context of the work I have been doing with the Francis review, and I found myself disclosing my experience," Mrs Dean said.
"The reason I did that was because in the course of looking at the issues ... it suddenly occurred to me later in the piece that this had happened to me and that what I needed to be satisfied was that not only does Parliament but also the National Party really have the systems and processes in place to manage situations where an MP and their behaviour is involved.
"I think we have found ourselves very notably in something that was quite different.
"That was not my intention, and I think several issues were conflated and the rest has played out."
The late-night firing of Mr Bridges outraged many National MPs, enough for a hurriedly arranged caucus meeting yesterday morning to pass a motion of no confidence in Mrs Collins.Her deputy, Dr Shane Reti, is interim party leader until a caucus meeting next Tuesday to elect a new leader, National’s sixth in the past five years.
Mrs Dean said Mr Bridges’ upsetting comments were not directed to her but made while she was in close proximity.
She complained to party leaders at the time and Mr Bridges apologised then and again yesterday — a version of events he corroborated.
"I absolutely have no doubt about the sincerity of his apology," Mrs Dean said.
"I believe there are two issues here, the parliamentary culture and a leadership tussle, and the two issues became conflated and I regret that.
"I’m very grateful that Judith supported me and backed me at the time but it is not the outcome that might have been anticipated."
That National was now looking for a new leader did not take away from the fact its caucus had had a constructive discussion of the wider issue she had raised, Mrs Dean said.
"I have also had a very good discussion subsequently with Simon Bridges and we have come to a much closer understanding of each other’s points of view and I think that that is a good start to change."
She now wanted to put yesterday’s events in the past and return to her duties.
"Relitigating now a past issue, I don’t think takes us anywhere forward."

"If I hadn’t, then I felt that I wouldn’t deserve the role. I didn’t ask for the allegation to be given to me," she said.
National Party president Peter Goodfellow said yesterday its board did not endorse demoting Mr Bridges, as claimed by Ms Collins.
Ms Collins claimed in her statement she had the "unanimous support" of the board.
Mr Goodfellow said the board had unanimously supported a first step in seeking further information from both parties before drawing any conclusions.
He said no specific penalties or actions were discussed, agreed or endorsed by the board at its meeting on Wednesday, beyond support for an investigation.
Waitaki, national stronghold (like Dunedin, put any red clown up and the sheep will vote for them)
From what I hear she is a useless local advocate and humbled around.
This is faux disappointment, if she couldn't see it coming within their own party, then she is not cut out for politics
Just the rats left on this sinking ship.
A dying political party that failed to adapt to the 21st century, now paying the price.
Sooner or later, we're going to reach a point in time where you can't say ANYTHING without someone taking offense ... to be totally honest, I think we reached it quite a while ago.
Unless Simon Bridges said something that was punishable under the "Crimes Act", then why drag it up again ?? ... if he asked Jackie whether eating bananas three times a day a not wearing a condom would aid in him fathering a baby girl ... well that's just the "Kiwi" way !!
Everyone seems to be hell bent on dragging up things said years ago, mostly said in jest, and making a big thing out of it, and the only reason I can come up with for doing so, is self promotion ... hey, he said that 10 years ago, I need a bit of publicity and another apology ... for pity's sake ... give it a rest !!!
The Natz had a big clean out last election but there is still more to get rid of. Dean is one.
They were once a party for the farmers and way back then, what was good for the farmers was good for us all.
In recent years they became a party for the privileged and the rich, no morals, to hell with the environment, ethnic groups or the socially downtrodden.
Currently there is none within them that could change that and in fact I ask any of you too name any of their policies.
The Natz and their few supporters need to change their attitude of “there is only on true party and they are the only ones who should ever govern”. Comments they have stated are “we are the best managers of the economy”. That has well proven to be false. They remind me of Canterbury or Crusaders supporters who have to of right, win every game.
To people who suggest who their next leader should be (based only on the media) - you can only judge if you watch Parliament TV, where the Natz are all poor performers - Bishop the worst, Luxon far too inexperienced, Willis angry, Reti no charisma. Jacinda, Robertson, Hipkins, Woods just spit them ouy. No wonder Natz are flocking to Seymour.