Murdered while holding 2-year-old son

Xi Wang, 34, was attacked in her home on December 10 last year. Photo: Facebook
Xi Wang, 34, was attacked in her home on December 10 last year. Photo: Facebook
Xi Wang was murdered while holding her 2-year-old son in her arms, court documents reveal.

Her ex-husband Ephraim Joseph Beazley, 33, this morning pleaded guilty to murdering Wang in her Flat Bush home in December.

The New Zealand Herald has obtained the police summary of facts which reveals the brutal details of the murder.

On December 10 Beazley left his home on a Rotorua farm and drove to Manukau.

He took a sheath knife that he used on hunting trips.

Beazley, who had been separated from Wang since before their son was born, parked outside her home just before 10pm.

He walked up to the house, which was in darkness.

"He knocked at the door several times before the victim opened the door," the summary states.

"[Beazley] was wearing a cap pulled down over his face and had his head bowed, which he believed made it difficult for the victim to identify him at first.

"She was holding their 2-year-old son in her arms at the time and held onto him throughout this incident.

"[Beazley] attacked the victim without speaking, striking at her throat with his hunting knife.

"She managed to block the strike so he stabbed her in the side instead.

"This was awkward for him because of the dressing gown the victim was wearing - so he attacked her legs."

Xi Wang with her ex-husband Ephraim Beazley. Photo: Supplied
Xi Wang with her ex-husband Ephraim Beazley. Photo: Supplied
Beazley stabbed Wang several times in both legs.

He also stabbed her in her genitals, causing her to slump forward.

This allowed Beazley to grab her by the back of the head.

"He stabbed her several times in the neck, causing her to fall to the ground," said the summary.

"He realised that he had done enough to kill her so ran from the scene, leaving his son in the victim's arms."

Beazley got in his car and drove away.

He then abandoned his car in a nearby street and made his way to Botany Town Centre.

There, he called police and told them what he had done and where he was.

He also called a friend and told them what he had done.

Police located and arrested Beazley soon after.

The knife he used to slaughter Wang was in his jacket pocket.

Meanwhile a woman who lived with Wang tried to save her life by administering first aid.

An ambulance was called and Wang was rushed to hospital in a critical condition.

She underwent emergency surgery but her injuries were too severe.

She died at 11.55pm.

Beazley offered an explanation to police for his violent attack.

"[He] stated that he had enough of life in general and particularly the state of his relationship with the victim," the summary said.

"He stated that he had decided that the best option was to kill her, so planned how he was going to do that.

"He decided what clothes he was going to wear and selected his knife before travelling to Auckland."

Beazley, who has never appeared before the courts before the murder, will be sentenced next month.

After Beazley first appeared in the High Court in January one of Wang's friends spoke out, paying tribute to the slain mum.

"Xi was one of the most intelligent people in the world," she said.

"She was from China but studied at multiple universities around the world - that's how she ended up here.

"Xi was travelling and she decided she liked it, and she met someone."

That someone was Beazley.

She never could have imagined that the man she loved would end up taking her life.

The pair married, but separated while Wang was pregnant with their first child.

She was a single mother when the little boy was born.

"Her life was her child, she did absolutely everything - made every decision - for him," said her friend.

"She lived and breathed for her little boy.

"He absolutely adored her and he still asks for her, it's quite sad."

Wang was a fulltime mother but the friend said she worked to support herself.

She had a masters degree in business and was involved in real estate and property development.

She loved fashion and cooking and was known among her mates in Auckland as an "amazing" host.


If you're in danger now:

• Phone the police on 111 or ask neighbours of friends to ring for you.

• Run outside and head for where there are other people.

• Scream for help so that your neighbours can hear you.

• Take the children with you.

• Don't stop to get anything else.

• If you are being abused, remember it's not your fault. Violence is never okay

Where to go for help or more information:

• Shine, free national helpline 9am- 11pm every day - 0508 744 633
• Women's Refuge: Free national crisis line operates 24/7 - 0800 refuge or 0800 733 843
• Shakti: Providing specialist cultural services for African, Asian and middle eastern women and their children. Crisis line 24/7 0800 742 584
• It's Not Ok: Information line 0800 456 450

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