More money for conservation projects

Maggie Barry
Maggie Barry
A multimillion-dollar Department of Conservation community conservation fund will open for a third round of applications on Monday.

Conservation Minister Maggie Barry made the announcement at the Conservation Inc 2 Conference in Dunedin this morning.

Ms Barry said the government anticipated about $4.5 million would be allocated to small scale conservation groups this year.

In 2014 the DOC Community Fund was set up to distribute $26 million over four years to community-led conservation projects around New Zealand.

Ms Barry said 220 different groups had been awarded $16 million of funding so far.

''Recipients have ranged from groups helping fight the War on Weeds, outdoor clubs keeping huts in good shape to pest-trapping networks and wetland restoration aimed at creating habitats for our native animals," she said.

Last year's funding included $1.2 million towards the War on Weeds community weed control project, and $2.3 million for community pest control.

"This fund encourages enthusiasts to take ownership and lend a hand to important projects that matter to their communities," she said.

Groups interested in funding could submit a proposal showing how their project fit with the purpose of the fund to DOC by July 1.

The community fund will be maintained by an annual government allocation of $4.6 million a year.

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