Luxon unveils technology and visa policy

Christopher Luxon has admitted he was holidaying in Hawaii last week despite his social media...
National leader Christopher Luxon. Photo: RNZ
A visa for graduates from the world's top 100 universities and another for those with specialist tech skills are part of National's plan to help rebuild the economy.

The policy is being announced in Auckland by party leader Christopher Luxon, National's Immigration spokesperson Erica Stanford and Science Innovation and Technology spokesperson Judith Collins.

Luxon starts the briefing by saying "it's all about the economy" working in some criticism of Labour's mishandling of the economy confirmed by the books being opened earlier this week.

"We will clean up this mess Labour has left behind."

Luxon says the country needs faster growth from the tech sector which had unlimited potential. The government could assist by creating the environment for tech businesses to flourish, he says.

He says National wants to see the tech sector expand and it would need to be supported by the immigration system.

To be eligible for a new global growth tech visa applications would have to have worked at a top global company and be earning at least $400,000 a year.

"Lack of access to skills and expertise is often raised by tech firms as one of the main barriers to growing New Zealand's technology and innovation sector," Collins says.

For a new international graduates visa people would need to have graduated with "highly specialised skills" from one of the world's top 100 universities within the last five years, the party says.

Features of the plan include:

  • Offer an international graduates visa - a three-year open work visa for people who have graduated with a Bachelor's degree or higher within the last five years from one of the top 100 universities in the world. This visa will initially be capped at 500 successful applicants in the first year.
  • A new global growth tech visa - a residence visa for people with highly specialised skills who have worked at a top global tech company earning at least $NZ400,000 per annum. This visa will initially be capped at 250 successful applicants in the first year.
  • A digital nomad visa - a 12-month visa to attract skilled mobile people to come to New Zealand while working remotely for an overseas-based company, with the option to apply for a work or residence visa later if they choose to stay. This visa will initially be capped at 250 successful applicants in the first year.
  • Supporting startups - investigate changes to the tax treatment of options issued by startups to their staff to make it easier to attract and retain talent in their early years
  • Appoint a Minister of Technology - to work with the tech sector to create the right policy and regulatory environment to support more innovation and faster growth

Stanford says New Zealand needs a smarter approach to immigration that focuses on attracting highly talented people with the skills, knowledge and expertise Kiwi firms need to grow.

"Smarter immigration isn't about numbers; it's about identifying the gaps in New Zealand's skill base and making it easier for people who have those skills to come here and contribute.

"It's about making sure New Zealand remains competitive in the global war for talent to help grow our tech sector and drive faster economic growth."

He says the country needs faster growth from the tech sector which had unlimited potential. The government could assist by creating the environment for tech businesses to flourish.

Collins says tech is the country's second biggest export earner - generating $11.49 billion or 14 percent of export revenue last year.

It comprised 20,000 small businesses employing over 114,000 people and needing another 4000 - 5000 people annually.

"So we are something of a startup nation in New Zealand and we need to be a scaled up nation."

The sector had wanted a voice at the Cabinet table for some time, Collins says.

"One priority would be a rethink of treatment of employee share option plans - changes introduced in 2018 have worked against employees being able to exercise their share options and retain skilled staff. So National would start work with IRD post-election to reverse these changes.

"This will bring us into line with Australia and also the US and work will begin immediately after the election."