Launching My Vaccine Pass today

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins and Director-general of Health Ashley Bloomfield. File...
Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins (left), with Director-general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield. Photo: ODT files

The Government is today launching vaccination passes, signalling a summer of freedom under the new traffic light system and even travel in the near future for the fully vaccinated.

The My Vaccine Pass will be an official record of Covid-19 vaccination status, allowing access to things like concerts, festivals, gyms and sports events, as per the new Covid-19 protection framework.

From today fully vaccinated people - and the small number with medical exemptions - can request a pass, along with versions to be used internationally.

The pass announcement comes before another big Government decision today, outlining expected changes to Auckland’s boundaries and how inter-regional travel will work as the city edges closer to 90% of its eligible population being fully vaccinated.

The passes will be used under the new framework, also known as the traffic light system for the green, orange and red settings, set to begin once each DHB has reached 90% full vaccination rates, although Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has indicated this could happen soon after a Cabinet meeting on November 29, regardless of the vaccination rates.

Across New Zealand, 90% of those aged over 12 have received one dose and 81% two doses (3.4 million people) of the Pfizer vaccine.

The passes will also be able to be used in workplaces that require them under the new framework.

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said the pass would become part of a daily routine, like carrying a driver’s licence, scanning in at the supermarket or wearing a mask.

‘‘We’re asking fully vaccinated New Zealanders to get ready for summer by requesting their pass,’’ Mr Hipkins said.

‘‘It is your official proof of vaccination and a ticket to enjoy the extra freedoms that will come with the Covid-19 protection framework.’’

The National Party has been critical of how long it has taken to have the passes ready.

In the House yesterday, National Covid-19 spokesman Chris Bishop revealed that a contract for the development of the vaccination pass was only signed by the Government a month ago, on October 13.

Mr Bishop said if certificates were in place right now, Aucklanders could leave, hospitality would be open and people could go back to work, and summer events would not be being cancelled.

Mr Hipkins said work began on other aspects of the process in April and the tender process itself in July.

The fact the certificates were not — as of yesterday — available to download was not a factor in the current situation in Auckland, he said.

Under the new framework, people will need their vaccine passes to access a range of public events and gatherings.

The pass can be downloaded to a phone digitally or printed and

will be valid for six months.

People with vaccinations from overseas can also apply, though this could take up to 14 days.

People can apply for international passes from today.

A spokeswoman for the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to New Zealand said these certificates would be accepted as EU certificates would be.

New Zealand has also agreed to accept the EU certificates here.

A record 222 Covid-19 cases were reported yesterday and 91 people were in hospital, including seven in ICU or HDU.

The ministry also reported a patient in their late 70s at Auckland City Hospital with Covid-19 had died. — The New Zealand Herald