A young store clerk from a tiny rural New Zealand town has been identified as the mastermind behind a viral internet invite that saw more than 3000 people gatecrash a Dutch teenager's birthday and trash a village.
Six hundred riot police battled thousands of revellers in the small Dutch town of Haren who responded to a hoax party invite online by Dunsandel local Jesse Hobson.
Haren, with a population of 18,000, resembled a war-zone at the weekend with rioters torching cars, smashing street signs, and fighting elite police units.
An 84-year-old resident was injured, along with a number of police officers, and 34 arrests were made.
"Scum ran amok in our town," said town Mayor Rob Bats.
And behind it all was a young New Zealander who thought it "would've been a bit of fun".
He claims to have received threats from an irate Dutch politician and even fears he'll be extradited to face serious criminal charges.
"I just thought it would've been fun. I didn't really intend it to go that badly," he told APNZ yesterday from Dunsandel Store where he works.
"I was hoping for a good old-fashioned street party, with a few thousand people, good times."
Mr Hobson got involved in the 'Project X Haren' party in an anonymous online forum.
The originator set up a Facebook page designed to crash a girl's 'Sweet Sixteen' birthday party when she failed to set her Facebook event to "private".
It was then hijacked by Mr Hobson, who took over running the site, managing to escape being shut down by authorities and quickly getting the attention of 200,000 people.
A total of 30,000 said they would turn up to the party, sending the terrified girl and her family into hiding and the town bracing itself for an onslaught of partygoers last Friday.
Many wore T-shirts marked 'Project X Haren', in reference to the Hollywood comedy Project X which was a hit earlier this year showing an out of control house party.
It took hundreds of police hours to calm the raging crowd, leaving a massive clean-up project and outraged town officials.
Yesterday Mr Hobson said: "I didn't want it to turn into a riot, obviously.
"But I might've been a bit optimistic, to be honest.
"I won't be going back (to Haren) for a holiday any time soon, but the authorities might want me there."
Since the weekend's debacle, which was headline news across Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe, Mr Hobson has been identified by the Dutch press as the man behind the gatecrashing.
He's been interviewed by two Dutch journalists, and appeared in newspapers and magazines this week.
Although no official has contacted him, he is concerned that he could be extradited back to Holland to face charges under their judicial system but is willing to face the music.
"I haven't been set up or anything... it was me who did it.
"I think part of the reason they wanted someone outside the country to administer the site was so it would add an international level that would complicate matters for anyone wanting to cancel the site."
Mr Hobson said he was "sorry it got out of hand" but blamed those who turned up wanting to cause trouble.
"There's not much I could've done about it. I was 18,000kms away. They were the ones smashing windows, burning cars and motorbikes.
"But I probably won't be doing anything like it again."
• Last month, preacher's son Richard Collis hosted a 'Project X' party in Levin which was crashed by around 300 people. It ended with attacks on police, 19 arrests and allegations of animal abuse.
• In 2008, Corey Delaney became the "poster boy for teenage stupidity" when his free-for-all party at his parent's Melbourne home was trashed by 500 drunken teenagers who fought with police.
• In 2007, a 17-year-old English girl was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage when 200 youngsters wrecked a family home after a party was advertised on MySpace.