Gang makes comeback in Christchurch

Photo: File image
Photo: File image
One of the Christchurch's oldest motorcycle gangs appears to be resurfacing.

Patched Devils Henchmen have been seen on the city's streets in recent weeks, after many years of invisibility as the gang scene evolved and changed over the decades.

Said Detective Senior Sergeant Craig Johnson: “The Devils Henchmen MC have been part of the domestic gang scene for a long time.

“As natural attrition occurs, gangs need to recruit to maintain or increase their influence.

“Police constantly monitor and assess the risk of all gangs, including the Devils Henchmen,” he told the NZ Herald.

It’s understood their numbers remain low, still probably in single figures.

Former members of other high-profile gangs are involved, the Herald reported.

Police are keeping an eye on their activities.

“While I won’t comment directly on police intelligence or prevention activity, changes in gang numbers, location or visibility are always of interest to us,” said Johnson.

Photo: Flickr
Photo: Flickr
The Henchmen formed in 1973.

In the mid-1970s, the fledgling collective of young men was involved in a war with the Epitaph Riders in Christchurch that led to stabbings, guns, beatings, pad raids, and Molotov cocktails.

A violent, long-running enmity with rivals the Road Knights MC sparked up in the early 90s, in Timaru with car and firebombs, armed home invasions, shootings and drive-bys. It was gang warfare once described by police as “wild west stuff”.

Over recent decades, the feared gang had been based at a fortified, spacious two-storey gang pad on the outskirts of Timaru.

But in May last year, armed members of the Rebels MC gang stormed into the rival Devils Henchmen’s renowned clubhouse and booted them out.

The Henchmen were forced to leave behind several motorbikes and a Rebels flag – a Confederate flag with a grinning skull and 1% symbol – was draped from the top-floor balcony.

The Rebels painted over logos, ripped out all Devils Henchmen insignia and memorabilia, even, it’s understood, chiselling out the gang’s name from tailor-made wooden bar leaners.

But a week later, after reports of high tension, even gunshots, police raided the gang pad and found several stashed firearms.