The ‘90% Canterbury – we’re worth it’ campaign aims to make Canterbury the most Covid-19 protected region in the country.
The region was congratulated by Dr Ashley Bloomfield this week for the ambitious, but highly achievable, target.
The drive-through vaccination clinic will operate at Christchurch Arena until October 31.
People must make an appointment before attending. The hours will be weekdays, 1.30pm-8pm, and weekends, 11.30am-5pm.
A similar clinic operated at the arena for three weeks from August 23, but was aimed at essential workers.
It is the first drive-through service organised for the general public by the Canterbury District Health Board in Christchurch.
CDHB senior responsible officer for the Covid-19 response Dr Helen Skinner said the earlier clinic at the arena had been successful in getting essential workers vaccinated as quickly as possible.
The new clinic was the only drive-through one planned by the CDHB at this stage for the city.
However, new fixed and mobile clinics were being added all the time, and there was now more than 100 throughout Canterbury.
"We’re adding more clinics and more appointments to Book My Vaccine, the (online) national booking system, all the time," Skinner said.
"Everyone aged 12 and over can now book a vaccination appointment and you can book any time, there is no cut off."
Currently, more than 80 per cent of Canterbury’s 474,000 population aged 12 and over are either fully vaccinated, have had their first dose or are booked in to be vaccinated.
However, the vaccine coverage is lower in high deprivation areas and among the region’s youth, Pasifika, Asian and Māori communities.
- Book a vaccine and find out more about the Christchurch Arena clinic here.