Deadly day on roads prompts plea from police

As the New Zealand road death toll continues to skyrocket, authorities have put out an emotional plea for drivers to avoid any more deaths.

Yesterday, five people died on the roads, bringing the death toll to 246 for the year.

This morning, a Facebook post by New Zealand Police asked Kiwis to reflect on the lives lost on the roads and how easily those people could still have their family members with them.

"Alright New Zealand, we need to talk," the post began.

"We need to talk about the fact that 5 people are dead.

"5 people who will never come back.

"5 families who will be missing one member forever.

5 funerals that no one wants to attend.

"And 5 deaths as part of the 246 already this year.

"Police are asking Kiwis to take five minutes out of their day to reflect on their driving.

"What needs improving? What needs changing? What can you do to be a safer driver? It could be a small change or a big one. But please have a long, hard think about how you behave behind the wheel because changing your driving could change a life. We've got to stop destroying families," the post ended.

The message resonated with a number of Kiwis, with the post being shared more than 1600 times in the first three hours.

"Courtesy and respect for each other would go along way to reducing unnecessary heartache. So many road users have a selfish attitude and dont stop to think about the destruction they leave behind," a Facebook user commented.

Others suggested their ideas for how we can make roads safer:

"I think maybe we need to reduce the cost of getting your licence. I know of a lot of people who drive but haven't gone through the testing because it's too expensive. That's putting unskilled, untested drivers on our roads. Learning to drive should be a part of the school curriculum," someone said.

"Increase learner licence age to 17, get rid of restricted licences, you either are learning and being supervised by someone who is over 21 and held a full licence for at least 2 years or you have a full licence. Compulsory third party insurance with vehicles confiscated if driving with no insurance. Driving without a licence, instant ban and try getting insurance then.. I watch the police TV shows and they get a measly fine or asked to get one in 28 days, what a joke," someone else replied.


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