Brockville School principal Tania McDonald said about 400 people attended a 10am Mini Polyfest event at the school hall.
Maori, Pasifika, European and former refugee children and their families took part. The festival featured many cultural activities, including dancing, waiata and action songs.

The school, the Brockville Kindergarten and the suburb’s Maori language preschool group, Kohanga Reo o Whakaari, joined forces to run their own mini event.
"It’s a very good event.
"It brings our community together," Mrs McDonald said.

About 180 children and 120 parents and teachers had attended yesterday, including about 50 young former refugees and parents, she said.
Kindergarten head teacher Julie Baird said the kindergarten had earlier been saddened when the bigger event was cancelled.

"Today we celebrate the mahi [work] of the mokopuna and we look forward to many more Brockville Mini Polyfests," she said.