Women's Refuge outraged by trial

The justice system failed Sophie Elliott, allowing her killer to drag her name through the mud before a wide audience, Women's Refuge says.

Otago University economics tutor Clayton Weatherston, 33, was today found guilty of murdering his 22-year-old former girlfriend after claiming the appropriate charge was manslaughter as he was provoked.

Outside the Christchurch courthouse today Miss Elliott's father, Gil Elliott, said the provocation defence should no longer be an option.

"I think there are people who will back us on that." Weatherston admitted stabbing Miss Elliott 216 times in a bedroom at her Dunedin home in January last year. He blamed "the emotional pain that she has caused me over the past year", and said she had attacked him with a pair of scissors.

Women's Refuge chief executive Heather Henare joined Mr Elliott in calling for the provocation defence to be reviewed.

"Because of the way the defence was run, this trial became a perverse opportunity for a killer to continue to persecute his victim and her family after her death.

"The provocation defence is based on absolutely archaic notions about violence. Once upon a time, society accepted that an affront to male privilege or dignity was a reasonable excuse to fly into a homicidal rage.

"This trial turned justice inside out. The killer became the victim and Sophie Elliott was portrayed to us all as he chose to describe her. Unfortunately for Clayton Weatherston the jury didn't buy it and nor did the hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders who watched him giggling on their televisions."

Ms Henare said she had been "horrified to hear" Miss Elliott's mother described as an unreliable witness and expressed sympathy for what her family had endured.

"I believe there will be a strong and justifiably angry reaction to the way this trial proceeded. New Zealanders hearing so many of the details and seeing Weatherston taking the stand will have been absolutely dumbfounded that this remorseless killer has had a platform for his justifications and excuses - televised and thoroughly reported by the media."

She said the system had failed Louise Nicholas in a similar manner two years ago when she brought rape charges against three former police officers. All three were acquitted, but it was later revealed two had previous convictions for the pack rape of another woman.

"I think we need to look very hard at ways to improve on a society that is letting women down in this way," Ms Henare said.

Counselling agency Relationship Services said the case was a reminder that extreme partner violence could occur in all sectors of society and was not restricted to couples who lived together.

"This is a well educated, articulate man who has resorted to violence on a number of occasions in response to relationship pressures," national practice manager Cary Hayward said.

The agency said people who knew someone at risk from a partner should encourage that person to seek help.

Warning signs in a relationship include possessiveness, jealousy, stalking and controlling behaviour.

"People need to be aware these are not part of a normal, healthy relationship and should take action."

Weatherston was remanded in custody for sentencing on September 15.



