Mosgiel Lions project co-ordinator John Bone, who took down the sign in April, reinstalled it and said he was waiting on community groups to come back to him to organise the completion of the 20-year-old sign.
Mr Bone said the sign might may also need rebranding.
The slogan ''The Pearl of the Plain'' which, on the old sign, sat underneath the words ''Welcome to Mosgiel'' and above logos of local clubs no longer reflected the town, he said.
''To me, it just doesn't reflect the modern metropolis it's [Mosgiel] becoming.''
Mr Bone took down the weathered beaten sign in order to breath new life into the landmark.
He said the kiwi which previously abutted the ''Welcome to Mosgiel'' message on the sign should also be discarded.
''It's not relevant in any way to the Taieri or Mosgiel.''
Mosgiel Round Table, Mosgiel Lions, Mosgiel RSA, Mosgiel Rotary Club, Altrusa and the Taieri Blokes Shed and the Community Patrol logos would all be featured as part of the sign.
Mr Bone said he was waiting for clubs to come back to him before a working bee could be organised to put up all logos and the rest of the sign.