Waimate's tap water is the best in the country "because it comes from the beautiful Otaio", Waimate Mayor Craig Rowley says.
Waimate District Council’s Otaio water supply was named the tastiest in New Zealand following the national water taste test held in the Dunedin Town Hall on Thursday.
Judges made their decision based on colour, clarity, smell and taste — and Waimate scored top in all.
Mr Rowley said first place was a fantastic outcome and showed Waimate’s tap water was "good as gold".
"First place reinforces the ability of small rural councils like ours to deliver the highest quality drinking water," he said.
The event was hosted by the Water Industry Operations Group (WIOG), a non-profit organisation, as part of its annual conference aimed to recognise the efforts of New Zealand’s water operators.
Earlier this month, Waimate district councillors performed a blind taste test on three Waimate water supplies to determine their entry for the competition. Mr Rowley said Otaio was a clear winner based on the same four metrics used in the competition.
The judges said the Waimate decision was unanimous.
"Congratulations to the operators at Waimate District Council — Otaio, who have been doing a fantastic job of delivering safe, great tasting tap water to their community," a judge said in a shared comment.
The Otaio water supply was one of four finalists, including the Western Bay District Council Athenree/Waihi Beach supply, the Timaru District Council Geraldine supply and the Palmerston North City Council Turitea supply.