Volunteers perform clean-ups around Dunedin

Sarah and Rod Bowen, of Dunedin, carry some of the items collected from the Kaikorai Estuary as...
Sarah and Rod Bowen, of Dunedin, carry some of the items collected from the Kaikorai Estuary as part of a Clean Up Week event on Saturday. Photo by Jane Dawber.
Armed with gloves and bags, they came to talk - and remove - rubbish.

As part of the national Clean Up Week, Keep Dunedin Beautiful encouraged people to have a "little litter moment" and pick up rubbish in their neighbourhood or to adopt an area in Dunedin to clean.

Co-ordinator Darlene Thomson said she distributed more than 600 bags to groups and individuals around the city.

The Saddle Hill Community Board decided to clean up the Kaikorai Estuary.

About 25 people removed litter from the area on Saturday.

Brighton residents Annette and Howard Bell were among them.

Within an hour the pair had filled two bags with rubbish.

They enjoyed helping because they loved the area, they said.

Among the items collected were car parts, including tyres, hub-caps and wing mirrors, along with toilet paper and gardening gloves.

Board deputy chairman Scott Weatherall removed a shopping trolley from an abandoned maimai.

Other groups targeting areas included Westpac Green Island, at Brighton beach, Beca Dunedin, at St Kilda beach, and groups of Scouts and Girl Guides at various spots around the city.

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