Visitor promotes electric vehicles

Electric vehicle advocate Chelsea Sexton charges an electric car outside Otago Museum in Dunedin...
Electric vehicle advocate Chelsea Sexton charges an electric car outside Otago Museum in Dunedin yesterday. Photo by Linda Robertson.

The New Zealand tour of an electric vehicle advocate has stopped in Dunedin to convince more motorists to adopt the technology.

About 70 people watched the documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? in the Hutton Theatre at the Otago Museum yesterday.

Chelsea Sexton featured in the film, which celebrated its 10th anniversary about a week ago.

"It's very cool people are still interested.''

Ms Sexton, of Los Angeles, has been attending screenings across New Zealand and answering the audiences questions about the documentary and electric vehicles.

In New Zealand, the electric vehicle "community'' was "passionate and enthusiast'' but the "industry was slow going'' and "the Government was figuring out how it wants to play''.

In May, Transport Minister Simon Bridges announced the Government aimed to have 64,000 electric vehicles in use in New Zealand by 2021.

"But the details remain to be seen and this is the discussion we are trying to have. How can New Zealand learn from both the mistakes and the best practices of places like North America or Europe who have been doing it longer?''

North America residents were "doing OK'' at adopting the technology.

There were about 500,000 electric vehicles in the continent, compared to New Zealand's 1400 electric vehicles.

"Given the product availability [in New Zealand] so far, it's doing fine but we want to help that grow.''

Ms Sexton will talk at a public presentation at the University of Otago seminar room, 563 Castle St today between noon and 1pm.

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