`Undermining' education policy

Dunedin North list MP Michael Woodhouse says it appears the New Zealand Educational Institute is more interested in "undermining" the implementation of National Standards than it is in genuine engagement on the policy.

The accusation followed an announcement last week that NZEI had invited Education Minister Anne Tolley to a second public forum on National Standards at the Regent Theatre - two days after a meeting run by the National Party at which information about National Standards would also be provided by Mrs Tolley.

Mr Woodhouse believed NZEI would have been well aware the minister was coming to Dunedin two days before the meeting NZEI had arranged.

"I can only speculate on NZEI's motives for this, given that Parliamentary commitments and her attendance at the meeting on March 29 meant she was certain to decline their invitation.

"It appears they are more interested in undermining the implementation of National Standards than they are in genuine engagement on this most important policy.

"I am concerned that the announcement of my meeting on March 29 might be seen as a reaction to the minister declining two invitations to attend NZEI meetings on the issue.

"Nothing could be further from the truth."

Mr Woodhouse said he had arranged the March 29 meeting three weeks ago and more than a week ago he had written to all 90 primary and intermediate school board chairmen advising them of it.

"I have asked that they put a notice in their school newsletter inviting all parents who are interested in improving our children's numeracy and literacy to attend.

"I am also aware that some schools have advertised the NZEI meeting, including the invitation to the minister, but have not advertised my meeting as requested, despite the fact that the minister will definitely be attending.

"I expect that in the interests of balance, school newsletters will be equally diligent in advertising my meeting of the 29th."

However, NZEI community campaigns national co-ordinator Lyndy McIntyre said the timing of Mr Woodhouse's meeting had no bearing on the timing of NZEI's meeting.

"The invitation for Anne Tolley to attend the meeting was genuine.

"No-one was aware when the other meeting was on," she said.


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