Unapproved uni logo aired on TV

The University of Otago’s proposed logo made an accidental appearance on a 1News segment about...
The University of Otago’s proposed logo made an accidental appearance on a 1News segment about teenage drinking that aired on Thursday night. PHOTO: 1 News
The University of Otago is stressing nothing should be read into its new, yet-to-be-approved logo making a premature appearance on national television.

The new logo appeared behind an academic during an interview aired on 1News on Thursday during a story about research into the changing landscape of teen drinking.

The appearance led to concerns from some a decision had already been made to introduce the logo despite acting vice-chancellor Prof Helen Nicholson previously announcing the university council would make a ruling in July.

A University of Otago spokeswoman said the appearance of the logo was a genuine error.

"It is unfortunate this interview took place in front of the banner and there was never any intention to confuse the public."

The banner in question was displayed on the Wellington campus, where the interview took place, as part of consultation over the new logo.

"When the consultation phase closed, the banners were removed.

"However, this banner was obviously missed from collection."

"This matter has already been brought to our attention and the banner is now being removed."


TIM SCOTT PIJF cadet reporter




