Two Otago schools on `roll of shame'

Two Otago schools were shocked to see their names on an Education Review Office "roll of shame" for charging parents more than they were legally obliged to pay.

Abbotsford School and Maniototo Area School were on a list of 24 schools nationwide, and believe ERO's criticism of their invoicing systems was an over-reaction.

ERO inspectors discovered 11 of the schools called donations "fees", "levies" or "term payments", or did not make it clear donations were voluntary.

Nine schools charged a photocopying or paper fee; four were insisting parents pay for their children's access to the curriculum; one charged for internet access and another for overdue library books; and three were charging extra for enrolment in digital classrooms where children worked on laptops rather than using pen and paper.

Maniototo Area School principal Peter Heron said ERO inspected the school in November last year and found invoices to parents did not make a clear distinction between fees and donations.

"We therefore immediately rectified that by sending out a letter to parents.

"The mistake was an easy thing to do."

Abbotsford School Board of Trustees chairman Paul Barron said his school also had to change its invoicing system after ERO criticised it for charging a "levy" for photocopying.

Mr Barron said the levy was a voluntary donation, but to keep within Ministry of Education guidelines, all references to fees and levies in school invoices had now been removed.

ERO's criticism of the school's terminology in its invoices was unwarranted, he said.

"We have around 200 kids and not one of their parents has complained about paying the donations.

"We've asked for a voluntary donation, and if we have asked for a photocopying fee, it's voluntary."


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