Tweets keeping MPs on the hop

University of Otago lecturer and political commentator Dr Bryce Edwards (left) and Labour Party...
University of Otago lecturer and political commentator Dr Bryce Edwards (left) and Labour Party MP David Cunliffe at a Vote Chat 2011 forum yesterday. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
The writing was on the wall for Labour MP David Cunliffe at a University of Otago political forum yesterday, as a running stream of tweeted messages from students kept him looking over his shoulder.

Mr Cunliffe's visit to the university was hosted by Dr Bryce Edwards, a political commentator and university lecturer, who is running the weekly "Vote Chat" series featuring politicians before the November election.

The Vote Chat forum has, so far, featured Green Party co-leader Meteira Turei, National MP Michael Woodhouse, Labour list MP David Parker, and Dunedin North Labour candidate David Clarke.

Dr Edwards has interviewed the politicians in front of an audience, while the forum is streamed live on the internet, and a stream of tweeted messages and questions is displayed as a running commentary.

"The idea is to foster a different type of political environment, whereby the audience doesn't just get the usual well-rehearsed campaigning speech from a politician," Dr Edwards said.

Mr Cunliffe deflected questions about potential leadership challenges to Labour's Phil Goff, a topic which was a favourite among "twittersphere" followers.

Mr Goff had the support of all the party and would make a fine leader of the country, while National would sell New Zealand out, Mr Cunliffe told the audience.



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