LIGHTS, camera, but no action.
The two New Zealand Transport Agency cameras installed on a 10m pole at the corner of Andersons Bay Rd and the Southern Motorway in October were expected to "go live" this month - but will now be delayed until next year.
NZTA regional communications adviser Bob Nettleton said the cameras would go live "sometime in the first quarter of 2010".
The agency wanted to synchronise the introduction of other cameras around the country, rather than introduce them in an "ad hoc" manner, he said.
Images from the high-resolution cameras would allow the public to monitor the area for traffic congestion via internet sites such as those run by the NZTA, Automobile Association, MetService and the Dunedin City Council.
Camera images would be updated every 30 seconds, with one camera monitoring the motorway southwards and the other looking along Andersons Bay Rd.