The condition of the Frasers Gully track was not to blame for a man who fell, injured himself and spent the night in near-freezing temperatures last week, the Dunedin City Council says.
A section of the track has remained closed since heavy flooding damaged it in June 2015.
A middle-aged man fell from an open section of the track last Thursday and spent the night exposed to the elements because his injuries prevented him from getting back to the track.
He was discovered the next morning by a woman walking her dog.
Council acting parks and recreation group manager Tom Dyer said police told the council the track was in good condition and not to blame for the incident.
``I'm going to send someone to have a look anyway just to see if there's anything [we can do to prevent a similar incident],'' he said.
``We are going to look at it as to ... [whether there is] anything that contributed to the fall.''
Council staff would then investigate if any further safety measures could be installed as a result of that inquiry.
Work on the closed part of the track was continuing and ``it should be open by the end of next week'', he said.