Inbound travel agents and visitor centre staff from throughout the country will take part in the two and a-half day programme, which includes visits to 14 of Dunedin's attractions, as well as a haggis ceremony.
"It is an ideal chance to get people here who don't know Dunedin," DunedinHost chairman Dylan Rushbrook said.
The association, which has more than 90 members, organises and sponsors the Spring into Dunedin promotion, held every two years.
Members have donated more than $30,000 of tourism product and accommodation towards the programme and Mr Rushbrook said that was money well spent.
The programme begins tomorrow morning with a Cadbury factory tour, followed by visits to Olveston, the Chinese Garden and Speight's Brewery, before a trip on the Taieri Gorge Railway.
Participants would focus on tourism activities on the Otago Peninsula on Thursday, with a final half day to sample other attractions on Friday.