Top fish in upper river

Logan Smith with the brown trout he caught in the Taieri River near Hyde earlier this month....
Logan Smith with the brown trout he caught in the Taieri River near Hyde earlier this month. Photo supplied.

When it comes to fishy stories, Logan Smith has a tale to tell.

The 8-year-old Mosgiel boy landed a 3.2kg (7lb) brown trout at the Taieri River earlier this month, a fish which would be the envy of even the most weather-beaten angler.

Dad Mike Smith said he and Logan spent much of the holiday break fishing around the South Island, catching the odd trout and salmon.

But with Mr Smith due to head back to work, they decided on a day trip to Hyde for one last fish in the Taieri River.

''An old fella told us there were a few fish up there so we thought it was worth a look,'' Mr Smith said.

''It was only his [Logan's] second cast and he managed to catch that fish. He caught it, landed it and carried it out. He out-fished us all.''

While they did not weigh the trout, which was caught on a silver lure, Mr Smith estimated it was about 7lb.

''He was pretty pleased with himself. He is still talking about it now.''

Mr Smith said Logan, a pupil at Silverstream School, began fishing about two years ago after they bought him simple tackle.

''He is very keen. He has caught a few fish now but nothing that big.''

As for the trout?

''It was delicious.''

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