Mr Sadler, speaking in the public forum at a MosgielTaieri Community Board meeting last week, said the Dunedin City Council should have held a referendum before switching Mosgiel to town water supply from the Mount Grand treatment plant in 2017, exposing its residents to fluoride.
He requested the board ask the council to provide a water supply without fluoride for residents to collect, similar to the water available outside Speight’s Brewery in central Dunedin.
He hoped the water would be made available soon, while the debate about the side effects of fluoride continues.
‘‘There is no use us sitting in old people’s homes having our diapers changed and saying we should have done this and should have done that — now is the time to do something.’’
Later in the meeting board chairwoman Sarah Davie-Nitis said the board would request the council investigate the feasibility of providing a water supply without fluoride in Mosgiel.