Concerns about the proposed location of a new stormwater pumping station in Mosgiel are starting to flood in.
The project was launched after the July 2017 flood, when the stations in Reid Ave and Carlyle Rd were unable to handle more than 120mm of rain which fell in Mosgiel over a 24-hour period, so stormwater entered the wastewater network instead of draining into the Silver Stream.
At the board meeting, Mr Jones said a new pump station in Reid Ave would be built on a section of Peter Johnstone Park car park.
Board chairwoman Sarah Davie-Nitis said she hoped the construction of the station would happen outside the rugby season, when the car park was busy.
Mr Jones replied: "Unfortunately this project is going to take about a year to construct ... this is going to have quite an impact on parking.''
The council was in discussions with the Taieri Rugby Football Club in a bid to make the construction of the station "as painless as possible'', Mr Jones said.
Board member Dean McAlwee asked for a "ballpark'' figure on the potential number of car parks which could be lost by the construction of the station.
"It's a fair bit of land ... it's quite significant.''
Mr Jones said he did not have the information available.
The work to build the station was expected to go out for tender in October or November and construction was expected to start early next year, Mr Jones said.
In response to questions from The Star after the meeting, a council spokesman said the station would cover about 840sqm of the 5100sqm Peter Johnstone Park car park.
A figure on the potential number of car parks which could be lost due to the construction of the station had not been determined.
Last month, The Star broke the news the council was recommending a new pool facility be built on the car park next to the grandstand and gymnasium in Memorial Park.
When asked about the potential impact the construction of the pool and station could have on parking space in the area, the spokesman replied: "Car parking for Peter Johnstone Park and Memorial Park will be considered more fully as plans for the Mosgiel Pool develop.''
There was an opportunity to improve the layout of the Peter Johnstone car park to better optimise the space and potentially offset any parking losses due to the pump station, he said.
Taieri Rugby Football Club senior president Sam Graf, speaking to The Star, said he was the club's main point of contact and he had not heard of the council's plans to build the station on the car park, near the clubrooms.
He was concerned about a loss of car parks.
"The car park is not big enough as it is.''
During winter, the car park was often full, as people parked vehicles to watch or play sports at Peter Johnstone and Memorial Parks.
At the same time, motorists filled the car park at Memorial Park and the spaces in Reid Ave.
If the council built the station and the pool on the recommended site, he doubted any improvements to the Peter Johnstone car park would result in more car parks being available.
"I can't see how it [parking capacity] can be increased.''
If the council marked spaces in the car park, he expected it would result in fewer vehicles being able to park in the area.
"People are quite creative how they park at the moment.''
No-one The Star talked to disputed the importance and need for the stations to be upgraded.
You would have to think that DCC's anti car crusade has reached the ridiculous stage.
Simply building anything and everything on existing car parks is a very lazy sloppy policy move. It ignores the reality that cycling from the University to compete in sport in Mosgeil is simply not practical for most people. (until of course DCC have poured another $100 million on the Wingatui and Caversham tunnels and connecting bike ways).
Removing car parking from sports facilities is simply anti families. Is that what DCC and the greens really want? Stop anyone with young children from attending sports?
Roll on the election and lets get rid of these lazy greens fools with their anti people policies.
Must be election year EVERYONE wants one but NOONE wants to pay for one or live next to one. But remember children next year the real elections with more money but just as big liars come out to play