Tag on, tag off bus system from September

Photo: ODT files
Photo: ODT files
The new bus card — the Bee Card — will go live in Dunedin on September 1, and in Queenstown from mid-September.

Until the Bee Card goes live, buses in Otago will remain free.

The Bee Card will replace the GoCard as the bus card for the Orbus networks in Dunedin and Queenstown.

Otago Regional Council manager, transport, Garry Maloney said Bee Cards would be available free of charge this week from bus drivers in Dunedin, and next week from drivers in Queenstown. They were also available from Otago Regional Council offices in both Dunedin and Queenstown.

The transition to the Bee Card would bring a range of benefits to the region’s public transport network, he said.

"The Bee Card is a simple tag on, tag off system that makes it easier for passengers to get on and off the bus, ideal during peak bus usage," Mr Maloney said.

"As well as benefits to customers, it will give us useful information about when, where and how people are travelling, which will help us improve the network according to how passengers are using it."

The council was also working through the public consultation process on a short-term flat fare structure for Dunedin.

"We got an incredible amount of feedback on the flat fare proposal, with over 1400 submissions received during the one-month consultation period. After we have completed hearings, a recommendation will come back to our council.”

Under the proposed flat fare structure, fare zones would be removed in Dunedin and replaced with one zone and three simple fares, plus free travel for SuperGold Card holders at any time.

The proposed fares are: $2 with a Bee Card for all adults, $1.50 with a Bee Card for youth (5- to 18-year-olds) and $3 cash fare (no Bee Card) for all passengers.

The ability to transfer existing balances from a GoCard to a new Bee Card went live yesterday.

Mr Maloney said GoCard users had plenty of time to transfer credit to a new card.

"GoCard holders will be able to transfer their leftover balance to a new Bee Card up until the end of October, but they should aim to get it done before we go live.

"GoCard holders can also choose to donate any leftover credit to a travel bank, which will then supply pre-loaded Bee Cards to those in need."

The travel bank donation was being co-ordinated with St Vincent de Paul, Family Works, and the Salvation Army, with the intention to extend to other agencies once the level of support was established.

The new card can be ordered on the Bee Card website.

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