Surf to Stadium runners enjoy post-race atmosphere

This year’s Surf to Stadium event was a "huge success" as runners braved cool weather  and enjoyed the "carnival-like atmosphere" at the end, the organiser said yesterday.

Numbers were not yet finalised for the annual fun run around  Otago Harbour, which previously began at Forsyth Barr Stadium and  was first held in  2012. Sport Otago business development and events manager Michael Smith said yesterday’s numbers appeared to be down by about 200 on last year’s  1700 competitors.

He attributed the drop to the school holidays. However,  many families and individual runners took part, and the change of direction seemed to have worked well.  The 10km run or walk began at Kettle Park at 10am.

The  first entrant to finish, Kirk Madgwick, did so in 32min 37sec. There was also a 4km option this year. Among the fun runners and walkers were two firemen from the Outram Volunteer Fire Brigade who   walked 10km in full firefighting gear to raise money to combat leukaemia.

Second and third in the 10km event were Chris Mills (32min 40sec) and Simon Cromarty (33min 30sec). Margie Campbell, who ran the race with her husband, was the first woman across the finish line, in 36min 8sec. 

Runners gave the thumbs-up to the change of direction taken by Impact Roofing and Plumbing Surf...
Runners gave the thumbs-up to the change of direction taken by Impact Roofing and Plumbing Surf to Stadium organisers this year. Photo: Gregor Richardson

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