Support for bold harbour plan

Some opponents of the plan have suggested the buildings look like clam shells or pistachios....
Some opponents of the plan have suggested the buildings look like clam shells or pistachios. Image: Architecture Van Brandenburg
A ''mind-blowing'' plan to redevelop Dunedin's Steamer Basin looks to have widespread public support after being unveiled yesterday.

The idea, prepared by Damien van Brandenburg, of Architecture Van Brandenburg, envisages the redevelopment of the basin into a stunning array of new signature buildings and public spaces, including a marine research centre, office spaces, an art gallery and cultural centre, and a low-rise hotel.

Key stakeholders - from Port Otago to Ngai Tahu - have thrown their support behind the plan, described by Otago Regional Council chairman Stephen Woodhead as "mind-blowing and fantastic".

ODT readers were quick to give their opinions yesterday, and most were firmly in support - in an unofficial ODT Online poll, 90% of respondents said they supported the plan.

There was a generally positive response on social media, but a fair number of people were firmly opposed to the concept, claiming the buildings looked like ''clam shells'', ''pistachios'' and ''pipis''.  

Animation Research Ltd's Ian Taylor, who prepared an animation to showcase the project's potential, said he thought it represented a "turning point" for the city.

"I think it's stunning. I think it's the future of the city." 



Fantastic. Beautiful. Internationally iconic. Visionary. Let's get together Dunedin and do it asap!!

Great to start the conversation. Whether this is the version that is built or not, it's great that we're finally recognising the potential. Whatever versionis finally decided on, best of luck to the developers on this one. We have the opportunity to do something world class here, so let's not bottle it!

Oh Yes! What a fabulous surprise to see this yesterday morning. At last, a proposal that makes you want to shout in delight instead of groan with despair. The scale is right, the use of the site is fantastic, and it's a brilliant response to the city's wonderful built heritage. How amazingly exciting. Please, please can we do this.

Great fantastic a regional fuel tax would go a long way to provide extra funding for this and existing infrastructure

Absolutely yes. Get behind this Dunedin and don't let yet another opportunity pass by..

